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Can Cats Eat Raspberries? How Many? Are They Safe?

Researching what foods your pet can and cannot eat is a significant part of being a pet owner.

So that begs the question, “can cats eat raspberries?”

Let’s go over if cats can eat raspberries, the number of raspberries that cats can eat, the potential side effects they may face from eating raspberries, and some other fruits you can give your cat.

We’ll also be discussing other human food.

You should read everything before trying to feed your feline companion the fruit!

Do Cats Love Raspberries?

Cats are highly curious creatures, so you may notice that your cat sniffs around whenever you have a bowl of raspberries.

It’s more likely to be the feline’s innate curiosity than anything else, but it’s not impossible for your cat to like raspberries as a form of personal preference.

Cats don’t taste sweets, so they don’t enjoy fruits the same way humans do.

Can Cats Eat Raspberries?

Cats can eat raspberries.

However, they can only eat them in small amounts because raspberries contain a compound called xylitol in trace amounts.

Xylitol is plant-based sugar alcohol toxic to cats, and even a tiny amount can lead to severe consequences and even death.

Foods with natural sugars like xylitol and added sugars can cause a fatal blood sugar spike in cats, so you should never give your cat candy.

How Many Raspberries Can Cats Safely Eat?

While cats can eat raspberries, it has to be in moderation.

Don’t give your cat more than two raspberries in a week.

You should also not make it a habit to feed your cat raspberries or other human foods.

Cats are carnivores, so their digestive systems are built to digest protein.

You can give your cat a raspberry or two every once in a while as an occasional treat, but you shouldn’t make it a habit to feed your cat human food. In other words, stick to cat food.

What Benefits Do Cats Get From Eating Raspberries?

Humans can enjoy several benefits of eating raspberries due to their nutrients.

It’s the same for cats.

As long as you don’t feed them large amounts of the fruit, these are some benefits they can gain.


Raspberries are a great water source, as water makes up more than 85% of their total content.

The amount of water your cat needs is dependent on their body weight.

For every 5 pounds they weigh, they need 4 ounces of water.

If you’re trying to up your cat’s water intake, feeding them one or two raspberries could be a good choice.


Digestive issues are common in cats.

Some cats have poor stool quality, which is painful and frustrating for both cats and their owners.

Raspberries contain 7g of dietary fiber.

While animal fiber is the better option for your cat, small amounts of plant fiber can be beneficial for preventing constipation, diarrhea, and obesity.


Antioxidants protect human cells and help prevent cell destruction, which can help us fight cancer.

They do the same thing for cats.

So feeding your cat antioxidant-rich food can improve your cat’s immune system, overall health, and quality of life.

Some vitamins that include antioxidants are vitamin C and vitamin E.


On the topic of vitamins, like most fruits, raspberries are a great source of vitamins.

Raspberries contain vitamins A, B6, and C.

It also has minerals like calcium and zinc.

So the occasional raspberry can be a good vitamin source for your cat.

Possible Side Effects of Cats Eating Raspberries

While raspberries do have some benefits, it’s not all good.

Meat is the food that a cat’s digestive system is set up for, so you should think twice before making plants a big part of your cat’s diet.

Abdominal Pain

There are many different ways cats express that they’re experiencing abdominal pain.

For example, your cat may be unusually loud, more aggressive to touch, especially near their abdomen, and unable to sit in one position or bite you when you try to pick them up.

Kidney Damage

Kidney damage is just as serious for cats as it is for humans, who are unlikely to recover fully.

Cats with late-stage kidney failure typically pass away within three months.

Some early signs of kidney failure are increased thirst, urination, and weight loss.

If you notice your cat showing these symptoms after you’ve fed them raspberries, don’t panic, but carry them to the vet as soon as possible to receive treatment.

Kidney damage is a worst-case scenario that’s not likely to happen if you accidentally give your cat an extra raspberry once, but it’s something you should keep in mind.


Dehydration can cause your cat to have sunken eyes, a poor appetite, dry mucous membranes, and extremely dry stool.

It can also cause them to be physically weak and lethargic.

If your cat is dehydrated, it’s generally due to them losing more water than usual.


Diarrhea with an unusually foul odor could signify that your cat ate too many raspberries.

If your cat has diarrhea that continues for more than two days, you should contact a vet.

Upset Stomach

Felines are not built to digest plant matter, which may upset their stomach.

Your cat may lick their lips constantly as a sign of nausea, vomit, refuse food, or be lethargic when they’re experiencing an upset stomach.

How To Serve Raspberries to Your Cat

You can serve your cat raspberries in a lot of different ways.

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Fresh or Frozen

Your cats will enjoy a fresh raspberry just as much as a frozen raspberry.

They’ll even enjoy dried raspberries.

You can also give your cat a nice scoop of dairy-free raspberry yogurt.

But, while yogurt is fine, never give your cat ice cream or raspberry jam.

No Ready Access to Raspberries in Bulk

You should never leave raspberries within your cat’s reach because they may just serve themselves.

If you live near a raspberry bush, take extra care to keep your cat away from it.

Every cat lover knows how curious the felines are, so it’s your responsibility to keep everything that can hurt your cat out of their reach as a cat owner.

What To Do if Your Cat Eats Too Many Raspberries

Accidents happen. If your cat ate too many raspberries, the first step is to stay calm.

Look for Side Effects

Carefully watch your cats’ behavior to see if they exhibit any of the aforementioned changes or other strange behaviors.

It could signify something is wrong if you notice them acting weird or showing discomfort, especially over an extended period.

Consult the Vet

After you notice your cat is showing one of the adverse side effects of eating raspberries, the next step is to carry them to the vet.

They will be able to treat your cat properly, preventing the situation from getting worse.

Be More Careful in the Future

Everyone makes mistakes, but you must ensure that it doesn’t become a pattern.

Learn from this mistake and be more careful in the future.

Take extra precautions to cat-proof your home, and do more research on foods that are safe for cats.

Which Other Fruits Can Cats Eat?

Cats generally aren’t interested in fruits, but as long as it’s not a fruit that’s toxic for them, and you only give them a small quantity, you can give your cat some fruit.

Do your research, and avoid giving your cat fruit in large amounts.

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You can safely feed your cat a banana.

It’s a great source of potassium and vitamin B6 for them.


The only part of the watermelon fruit your cat can eat is the flesh.

Feeding them watermelon seeds or rinds can upset your cat’s stomach.

If the seeds are from a “seedless” watermelon, it’s not as bad, but you should still be careful.


Feel free to give your cat a small piece of strawberry occasionally.

Just be sure to remove the leaves and stem firsts.

Unfortunately, your cat can’t eat large quantities of strawberries, so they won’t get the benefits from the fruit’s many nutrients.


Berries are a good source of vitamins for your cat, and they can safely eat them.

Therefore, you can give your cat the occasion blueberry.


Blackberries are also safe to feed your cat.

They have a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

However, don’t give your cats frozen blueberries because it may damage their teeth.


Muck like the other berries, cranberries are safe for your cat.

Berries are a good source of several nutrients like antioxidants, fiber, flavonoids, and minerals.

They are a choking hazard, though.


Apples are safe for cats to eat occasionally as long as they are cut into small pieces.

They are easiest for a cat to digest if you remove the skin first.


As with the previously mentioned fruits, cats can safely eat mango in moderation, which is a good vitamin C course.

You should ensure that any fruit you feed your cat is cut into bite-size pieces.

Your cat can also eat the occasional vegetable, such as mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots.

Final Words

So, can cats eat raspberries?

Yes, as long as you don’t make it a major part of their diet.

If your cat accidentally eats too many strawberries and starts experiencing the negative side effects, you must take them to the vet as soon as possible.

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