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How To Read Your Cat’s Tail Language

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How To Read Your Cat’s Tail Language

How To Read Your Cat’s Tail Language Inforgraphic

Watching the position of a cat’s tail is a great way to decipher how a cat is feeling.

A cat’s tail is tremendously communicative, thanks to how mobile it is. Just think about all of the different types of tail movements you’ve seen: It can be raised up and down, sweep from side to side, move slowly or quickly, curl around us or them, trash and twitch, among other things.

So what does all of this mean?

Tail straight up:This is a happy, cheerful cat who is most likely approachable.. Usually your cat’s tail will stand straight up when he’s around you. Mother cats hold their tails upright when she wants her kittens to follow her (it may also help her kittens see her, depending on where they are).

Tail raised back at an angle: This is a non-threatening gesture that means the cat is simply unsure about something.

Tail raised up, swishing: Large, dramatic tail swishes generally convey a powerful emotion. This can signal a derisive attitude – that your cat is upset or wants to be left alone.

Tail straight up, quivering: A quivering tail is a very good sign – it means that your cat is very excited to see you. It’s a very friendly greeting that you’ll likely get when you walk in the door at the end of the day or if he greets you when you get out of bed in the morning.

Tail raised up, hooked at the tip: When I was little, I was taught that when a cat hooks the tip of his tail, it looks like a question mark – which is exactly how your cat feels. He’s friendly (hence the tail being raised), but he’s unsure of something.

Tail held horizontally behind the cat: This neutral position that can convey a few feelings. Your cat may be alert, confident, relaxed or amicable.

Hook in base of tail: Also called the “inverted U” or “horseshoe” tail, this behavior signals defensive aggression.

Thrashing tail: This could mean a number of things – look at your cat’s other body language to find out exactly how he may be feeling. A trashing tail, sweeping from side to side erratically, could convey one of several things, including:

  • Intense interest if your cat is focusing on something, like a bird outside, or if he’s about to pounce on a toy (prey).
  • Ecstasy if your cat is really enjoying a grooming session.
  • Anger if the tail is thumping loudly on the floor.
  • An invitation to another cat to play.
  • High excitement or aggression if the tail trashes violently.

Bristled tail: When your cat’s tail puffs up like a bottle brush, you can be pretty sure that your cat feels threatened and has become defensively aggressive. Your cat may bristle his tail if you startle him, if he’s scared, or if another cat (or person) angers him. He’ll likely try to escape the situation if possible, but he may also stay to defend himself if necessary.

Tail held low and straight: When your cat is holding his tail diagonally down, he’s likely feeling aggressive – or that he soon could be ticked off.

Tail held between the legs: This is a submissive move that’s likely trying to convey that your cat is upset or wants to be left alone. Unlike the bristled tail, a submissive tail can make a cat look smaller and less threatening to another aggressive cat.

Twitching tail tip: This usually signals that he’s alert and concentrating on watching something that interests him – like a bug or bird outside

Tail-twine: Personally, this is one of my favorites. Cats will entwine their tails around other cats’ tails, other objects, and of course, us! It’s their friendly way of marking us as theirs, and potentially trying to influence us to give them what they want, like attention or food!

Read more:

Which tail behaviors do you see most often in your cat? Which is your favorite? Please share in the comments!

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